Holi in IndiaHoliFestival of ColorsHoli People

Magenta or 'Baingani' and Blue or 'Neela' rang are for youth who love to stain the faces of their fair mates with the color of Lord Krishna.
Colors of India » Holi » Natural Colors » Majestic Magentas & Bouncy Blues

Majestic Magentas & Bouncy Blues

Magenta is the color of change, of letting go. It asks us to break old attitudes and habits not good for us, to steer clear of obsessions and to forget what has passed away. Blue enforces peace and faith. It is the color of new beginnings and creative expression.

  • Grate one beetroot and soak it in one liter of water overnight for deep magenta color solution. Dilute it with water for desired color strength.
  • Orangish pink color solution can be prepared by boiling 10 to15 onion peels in half liter of water. Filter the solution and leave it for sometime to get rid of the odor before using.
  • The Jacaranda flowers that bloom in summers can be dried in shade and ground to get a beautiful blue colored powder. Store it in airtight bottles for use.
  • The blue Hibiscus flowers can be dried and powdered to get blue gulal. These flowers are common in Kerala.
  • The berries of Indigo plant can be crushed and added to water for desired color strength while its leaves may also yield rich blue color, when boiled in water.

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