Till seven years of age, Osho lived with his maternal grandparents and this played a major role in his growth. It is due to the fact that, his grandmother was very cool and gave him liberty to live his life the way he wanted. Education was never imposed on him. His grandparents always said that, he should do whatever his heart feels right. Osho claims to have attained enlightenment at a young age of 21.

Osho Philosophy
Osho philosophy is based on the three C's, namely, consciousness, compassion & creativity. He was of the opinion that, a person who is capable of developing these three qualities can possess the quality of depth. Most of us keep ourselves away from creativity. According to Osho, there are basically four things that restrict creative living. These are self consciousness, intellectual level, belief and perfectionism. More
Osho Ashram
The credit for laying the foundation for the Osho Ashram goes to Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, who later came to be popularly known as Osho. Osho Ashram in Pune is more commonly known as Osho International Meditation Resort. Osho Ashram in India today serves as a refuge for those seeking spirituality. With centres all over the world, Osho dham, today, has about 2 lakh members. More