In this section, we will focus on the following aspects associated with Durga Puja:
Durga Puja history

Durga Puja celebration
With the coming up of the concept of joining clubs, the Durga puja festival celebration has become cosmopolitan in nature. In the contemporary times, Durga puja festivity is like a grand extravaganza. Many days before the arrival of this festivity, people are full of excitement and enthusiasm. As a part of Durga pooja celebrations, beautiful pandals are erected and embellished with flowers.
Goddess Durga
The festivity of Durga puja is celebrated on a grand scale in the state of West Bengal. This popular festival is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Durga, who is known for her power. The term Durga in Sanskrit language means someone who is very difficult to reach. People worship Goddess Durga in both the forms, as the Goddess of power as well as the destroyer of demons.
Different forms of Durga
The Hindu Goddess Durga, who is portrayed as having ten arms, is believed to have nine different forms. On one hand, where we get to see her in the form of a gracious woman, who symbolizes the female dynamism, then on the other hand, she is given a terrifying look of a destroyer that is apt to frighten the demons.
Durga Puja in Kolkata
Durga puja is a festivity that takes place with great pomp and show in Bengal. Though, it is celebrated in almost all the states of West Bengal, but the celebrations are especially lavish in Kolkata. There are a couple of ancestral houses in Kolkata that have been serving as the main venue for Durga puja celebrations for the many past decades.