The landscape of Kerala looks so splendid at this time that it will make you fall in love with the place. The weather further adds excitement to the Onam festival celebration. Fields turn alive with lush green forests. It is a total bliss for the farmers, as they witness their harvest fetching them good money. Everyone is thrilled at the thought of celebrating the Onam festival. Many days before the Onam festival, the kids start looking forward to participating in the carnival.

People buy new clothes, shoes and other things for the household. It is also a time for the homecoming for many people. Those, who have migrated to other places for one or the other reason, visit their hometown and give a pleasant surprise to their parents and relatives. This further enhances the happiness of the near and dear ones.
It is said that people eagerly wait for a special guest, the Kerala's most liked king Maveli on the Onam festivity. The king is loved for making people experience such a wonderful time. Infact, the time of his rule is considered to be the golden era. People are of the belief that, the king is so attached to the people that, he comes to visit them every year on the day of Onam. People used to affectionately call him Onathappan and they celebrate this grand festivity in his honor.