Osho philosophy is based on the three
C's, namely, consciousness, compassion & creativity. He was of the
opinion that, a person who is capable of developing these three
qualities can possess the quality of depth. Most of us keep ourselves
away from creativity. According to Osho, there are basically four things
that restrict creative living. These are self consciousness,
intellectual level, belief and perfectionism. Read on to know more about
the philosophies of Zen master Osho.
Osho's Teachings
Osho placed high importance to love, laughter and meditation. He said
that, these three aspects of life are the most precious and should be
valued by all. He stressed on the need to gain enlightenment and for
achieving it, he asked people to inculcate the habit of watching their
mind. Don't keep your mind ideal. Osho preached people to widen their
horizon of creativity and block the way for any kind of hindrances. He
recommended a few suggestions to unlock the gateway of creativity, which
are as follows: